Lenten season Services
Sunday Services are at 11:00am every Sunday both online and in person - to join online go to our Live Stream page.
An Invitation…
Whether you are a lifelong churchgoer or are new to the life of faith,
you are welcome at First.
Lent is a 40-day period starting with Ash Wednesday leading to Easter
Sunday. Sundays are not included in Lent as each is considered a “little
Easter”. All are invited to these Lent and Easter events at First
Presbyterian Church. To learn more about any event, please call the
church (912.354.7615) or check this website.
Ash Wednesday Service
Begin the Lenten Season on February 14 at 6:30 p.m. with a service co-
hosted by First Presbyterian Church, held at First.
Rev. Bob Morgan will preach.
Prayer Service with Communion
Join us Sundays at 9:00 a.m. in the sanctuary as the ministers and elders
lead us in a brief service of prayers, Scripture reading and communion,
February 18 through March 24.
Mid-Week Lenten Services
Following the fellowship supper on Wednesdays at 6:00 p.m., attend a
forty-minute service in the sanctuary that will include reflections by two
First members along with prayers and special music.
February 21 through March 28. The theme is “Meeting Jesus at the Table”.
Women’s Lenten Devotional
Throughout the season of Lent, the women are encouraged to meet and study “Again & Again: A Lenten Refrain” with Allison Shearouse.
Every Thursday at 9:00 a.m. at
Coffee Deli, 4517 Habersham Street, Savannah GA
Communion with the Homebound
Church members who are unable to attend worship will celebrate Holy
Communion on Sunday, March 24 in the early afternoon. Please call the
church office, or speak to Allison Johnson of the Congregational Care
Committee, if you or someone you know wants to celebrate the sacrament.
Palm Sunday Parade
Children and adults will sing and wave palm branches as we remember
Jesus’ triumphal entry into Jerusalem. The parade will take place on the
mall between First Presbyterian and First Christian Church,
on Sunday, March 24 at 10:30 a.m.
Coming Home for Holy Week
An annual emphasis that seeks to reach out to church members,
neighbors, and friends in the community. The church opens wide its doors
during this special season when we ponder the cost of our redemption and
celebrate the joy of Christ’s resurrection. A festive luncheon is planned for
Palm Sunday, March 24 at noon to mark the occasion.
Maundy Thursday Service
Celebrate the sacrament of Communion on Thursday, March 28 when we
recall the Last Supper with hymns, Scripture, and sermon in the sanctuary
at 7:00 p.m. following supper at 6:00 p.m. Larry Koch will preach.
Good Friday Tenebrae Service
This service recounts the suffering of our Lord as
twelve candles, representing the twelve disciples, are extinguished by
members of the Confirmation Class. The Chancel Choir will present, “A
Service of Darkness” by Dale Wood.
The service will be held Friday, March 29 at 7:00 p.m.
One Great Hour of Sharing
This special mission offering, to be received on Palm Sunday and Easter,
has become an important part of our Holy Week celebrations. With
thousands of other churches, we respond in three critical areas of human
need in this country and around the world: Disaster Assistance, Hunger,
and Self-Development.
Easter Sunrise Service at Isle of Hope
Gather at the pavilion at the Isle of Hope marina at 7:13 a.m. on Sunday,
March 31 and raise your shouts of “He is risen!” The informal service
features the reading of the Easter account of Christ’s resurrection, a
sermon, prayers and songs. Brian Childs will preach.
Easter Worship Led by Children
Sunday, March 31 at 10:00 a.m. in the sanctuary, children of First will lead
a brief worship with Scripture, prayers, and the traditional flowering of the
cross, followed by a continental breakfast for all in Stewart Hall.
Easter Service
On this day of resurrection, Sunday March 31, we celebrate the risen Lord.
Bring family and friends to a glorious Easter service held at 11:00 a.m.
Here we will relive the Easter story in Scripture, sermon, and song.
“Good Christians all, rejoice and sing! Now is the triumph of our King!”
Whether you are a lifelong churchgoer or are new to the life of faith,
you are welcome at First.
Lent is a 40-day period starting with Ash Wednesday leading to Easter
Sunday. Sundays are not included in Lent as each is considered a “little
Easter”. All are invited to these Lent and Easter events at First
Presbyterian Church. To learn more about any event, please call the
church (912.354.7615) or check this website.
Ash Wednesday Service
Begin the Lenten Season on February 14 at 6:30 p.m. with a service co-
hosted by First Presbyterian Church, held at First.
Rev. Bob Morgan will preach.
Prayer Service with Communion
Join us Sundays at 9:00 a.m. in the sanctuary as the ministers and elders
lead us in a brief service of prayers, Scripture reading and communion,
February 18 through March 24.
Mid-Week Lenten Services
Following the fellowship supper on Wednesdays at 6:00 p.m., attend a
forty-minute service in the sanctuary that will include reflections by two
First members along with prayers and special music.
February 21 through March 28. The theme is “Meeting Jesus at the Table”.
Women’s Lenten Devotional
Throughout the season of Lent, the women are encouraged to meet and study “Again & Again: A Lenten Refrain” with Allison Shearouse.
Every Thursday at 9:00 a.m. at
Coffee Deli, 4517 Habersham Street, Savannah GA
Communion with the Homebound
Church members who are unable to attend worship will celebrate Holy
Communion on Sunday, March 24 in the early afternoon. Please call the
church office, or speak to Allison Johnson of the Congregational Care
Committee, if you or someone you know wants to celebrate the sacrament.
Palm Sunday Parade
Children and adults will sing and wave palm branches as we remember
Jesus’ triumphal entry into Jerusalem. The parade will take place on the
mall between First Presbyterian and First Christian Church,
on Sunday, March 24 at 10:30 a.m.
Coming Home for Holy Week
An annual emphasis that seeks to reach out to church members,
neighbors, and friends in the community. The church opens wide its doors
during this special season when we ponder the cost of our redemption and
celebrate the joy of Christ’s resurrection. A festive luncheon is planned for
Palm Sunday, March 24 at noon to mark the occasion.
Maundy Thursday Service
Celebrate the sacrament of Communion on Thursday, March 28 when we
recall the Last Supper with hymns, Scripture, and sermon in the sanctuary
at 7:00 p.m. following supper at 6:00 p.m. Larry Koch will preach.
Good Friday Tenebrae Service
This service recounts the suffering of our Lord as
twelve candles, representing the twelve disciples, are extinguished by
members of the Confirmation Class. The Chancel Choir will present, “A
Service of Darkness” by Dale Wood.
The service will be held Friday, March 29 at 7:00 p.m.
One Great Hour of Sharing
This special mission offering, to be received on Palm Sunday and Easter,
has become an important part of our Holy Week celebrations. With
thousands of other churches, we respond in three critical areas of human
need in this country and around the world: Disaster Assistance, Hunger,
and Self-Development.
Easter Sunrise Service at Isle of Hope
Gather at the pavilion at the Isle of Hope marina at 7:13 a.m. on Sunday,
March 31 and raise your shouts of “He is risen!” The informal service
features the reading of the Easter account of Christ’s resurrection, a
sermon, prayers and songs. Brian Childs will preach.
Easter Worship Led by Children
Sunday, March 31 at 10:00 a.m. in the sanctuary, children of First will lead
a brief worship with Scripture, prayers, and the traditional flowering of the
cross, followed by a continental breakfast for all in Stewart Hall.
Easter Service
On this day of resurrection, Sunday March 31, we celebrate the risen Lord.
Bring family and friends to a glorious Easter service held at 11:00 a.m.
Here we will relive the Easter story in Scripture, sermon, and song.
“Good Christians all, rejoice and sing! Now is the triumph of our King!”