Baptized children are nurtured and educated until they wish to make their personal profession
of faith. When they are at an age of accountability, usually in the junior high years, they are confirmed
in their own faith after a period of study with the pastor and/or church elders. After an examination by
the Session, they are received as active members and are presented to the congregation during public
worship service. The act of confirmation signifies that they comprehend the basic philosophy of
Christianity and what is expected of them as a practicing Presbyterian. They profess their faith in Jesus
Christ as Lord and Savior; renounce evil and reaffirm their reliance upon God's grace; and declare their
intention to participate actively and responsibly within the worship and mission of the church.
Confirmation bestows full membership in the church and participation in the governance of the church.
of faith. When they are at an age of accountability, usually in the junior high years, they are confirmed
in their own faith after a period of study with the pastor and/or church elders. After an examination by
the Session, they are received as active members and are presented to the congregation during public
worship service. The act of confirmation signifies that they comprehend the basic philosophy of
Christianity and what is expected of them as a practicing Presbyterian. They profess their faith in Jesus
Christ as Lord and Savior; renounce evil and reaffirm their reliance upon God's grace; and declare their
intention to participate actively and responsibly within the worship and mission of the church.
Confirmation bestows full membership in the church and participation in the governance of the church.